In November 2022, I had the privilege of being a guest speaker for the New York Stereoscopic Association’s weekly stereo photography show “NYSA Presents!”…
Read MoreIn the video, I'll discuss the camera build, how everything came out, the unique specifications of the camera and how they influence it's use, and different types of media that…
Read MoreIn this video I discuss my 20x24 camera build. I talk a bit about how and why and built the camera as well as some details that went into the design and construction…
Read MoreWhen electroplating silver onto copper or other metals for use in the daguerreotype process, it is valuable to know how to determine the thickness of the resulting silver layer deposited onto the plate…
Read MoreI had the privilege of spending three days studying the mercurial daguerreotype process with renown daguerreotypist, historian, and educator, Dr. Mike Robinson…
Read MoreThe follow is a transcription of my process notes for electroplating pure silver onto copper plates for use with the Becquerel and mercurial daguerreotype processes…
Read MoreThis post is to share the second version of the 6x10 expansion back for the Deardorff 4x5 Special view camera. The first version of the back worked out fairly well but it became clear that the design could be improved upon…
Read MoreI’ve been excited about this little build for a while. My intention here was essentially to turn my Deardorff 4x5 Special into a mini-banquet camera— a sort of mini 12x20…
Read MoreThe color reversal process that I’m describing here is quite different in that it does not use any film negative and allow the photographer to produce a one-off color positive image straight out of the camera, leaving behind no negative from which additional photographs can be made…
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