Making Daguerreotypes with Dr. Mike Robinson

I had the privilege of spending three days studying the mercurial daguerreotype process with renown daguerreotypist, historian, and educator, Dr. Mike Robinson. This video provides a brief overview of the mercurial daguerreotype process with footage from the three days we spent making daguerreotypes in Mike’s Toronto daguerreotype studio. The video also contains a short interview with Mike discussing how he arrived at daguerreotypy, his influences, and how he approaches his work.

To learn more about Mike, see some of his work, and to learn about specialized daguerreotype equipment that he's developed, as well as to find clad daguerreotype plates, visit his website:

A huge special thanks to Dr. Mike Robinson (Century Darkroom) for his time and for sharing his knowledge with me.

Making Daguerreotypes with Dr. Mike Robinson